Thoughts drive me crazy.
It all just drives me crazy. Is that really how I feel? or am I just being dramatic? I have a short fuse when it comes to feigned incompetence. Real incompetence I have no problem with, what gets me are the people that play dumb after they screw up. I don’t know whats worse, claiming to be an expert when clearly you are not or pretending to be stupid to get out of doing something you clearly are perfectly capable of doing. I don’t always live up to my full potential and clearly I should, we all should, but we all have excuses and sometimes actual boundaries. My boundaries are imposed upon me by a faulty gene, or maybe more than one. We are all a mixture of chemicals, swirling about in a sac we call skin and supported by a framework made of bones. Sometimes through no fault of our own these chemicals are out of balance, not mixing quite right and when that happens the system grinds to a resounding halt. Often times I find myself stari...